CFIP Technology From Reinforce3D REinforces 3D Printed Parts with Continuous Fibers

CFIP technology from Reinforce3D

Design, lamination and printing are the four main stages of additive manufacturing. This final step, which is important regardless of the manufacturing technique used, gives the parts a perfect surface finish. Many post-processing technologies are also used in order to improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of the parts. Consider a post-processing technology that will be a major milestone for the additive manufacturing industry. The so-called “Delta” is a machine developed by the startup Reinforce3D using their patented CFIP (Continuous Fibre Injection Process) technology. This solution allows 3D-printed parts to be reinforced with continuous fibers. They are lighter, and have a higher mechanical strength.

Reinforce3D started as a small project at the Eurecat center for technology in Catalonia. Since 2022, a fund of investors has decided to invest in the startup that we know today. BeAble Innvierte Kets Fund(BIKF), Eurecat, Marc Crescenti and others founded it with the goal of developing a post-processing solution in the 3D Printing industry. Blanca Garro is the CEO of the company, which has grown rapidly and matured its technology within a short time. Delta’s industrial solution based on the CFIP will be shown at Formnext 2023 in Frankfurt and aims for a paradigm shift of the post-treatment we have known up to now. Below, we will explain the features and properties of the new system. It also includes the applications Delta as well as CFIP technology.

Reinforce3D’s Delta is a tool that allows users of Reinforce3D to strengthen parts using continuous fibers.

A Closer Look at Reinforce3D’s Delta and the CFIP Technology

Reinforcing 3D-printed parts with CFIP is a major innovation in additive manufacturing. Delta has made a technology that was only in its early stages a reality. The CFIP system focuses not on strengthening parts in the production process as it is done in traditional 3D printing but rather improving their properties in a later step. This method involves injecting fibers continuously into the parts in order to dramatically improve their strength. In place of short fibers, continuous fibres (such as the carbon fibers) can be injected into tubular cavities that have been pre-designed. These fibers are carried in a resin which cures and strengthens the structure of the component.

Continuous fibers are superior to short fibers because they can improve performance by a factor of ten, not just incrementally. CFIP is not limited to carbon fibers. It can also be used with Aramid and glass fibers. Reinforce3D plans to use natural fibers as well in the future. The team explains the following: “The Delta machine is an evolution of the technology that adapts it to the rapidly evolving industry, automating the process and facilitating its use in production. CFIP allows for the bonding of components, as well as strengthening them. This creates fiber continuity from one end to the other, resulting in stronger bonds than those obtained with traditional methods, such as adhesives.”

What are the advantages of this method compared to conventional reinforcement in the manufacturing process. Delta’s versatility and compatibility is what makes it stand out. With it, users can turn to more production-focused 3D printing technologies, such as HP’s Multi Jet Fusion, which work with thermoplastic polymers. It is compatible with the materials and allows users to get optimal results using them without resorting to more expensive ones. The Delta machine is not limited to plastics. It can be used with a variety of materials for additive manufacturing, such as metals and ceramics.

CFIP technology from Reinforce3D

The CFIP can be used with many techniques and materials, including metals and plastics

The machine can also reduce the amount of materials used. Hollow parts can be made that are reinforced with continuous fibres, giving them the same rigidity they would have if not hollow inside. CFIP is simple to operate thanks to a graphical interface on a touchscreen. Its compact size allows it to be used in labs and workshops alongside conventional 3D printers. It’s also Industry 4.0-ready and can be combined with robotics and automation systems to create a seamless end-to-end workflow.

Reinforce3D’s Role in the 3D Printing Industry

Reinforce3D’s CFIP technology is expected to be a game-changing disruptive innovation in additive manufacturing. The technology is promising for industrial 3D printing because of its ability to significantly improve the performance and quality of 3D-printed parts, as well as its versatility with materials. Delta is a new product that aims to provide users with a variety of options for adding advanced properties to 3D printed products. We have seen a preview of the main features, and we know what we can expect.

Reinforce3D, in addition to its Delta machine and consulting services for companies that are interested in adopting CFIP technology, also offers a consulting program. This service includes topological optimization, the 3D printing process and injection molding. It also covers testing, cost estimation, and industrialization. Whether you want to learn more about the Delta solution or you are looking to request the consulting service, you can visit Reinforce3D’s website HERE.

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*All Photo Credits: Reinforce3D