The Maneater, MU’s student newspaper, to stop printing | Mid-Missouri News

The Maneater is MU’s student newspaper. It will cease publishing its monthly editions at end of academic year. 

The May issue of the magazine will end a 68-year-old run in print. This began with the 1955 overhaul of student-run news outlets.

According to Anna Colletto (editor-in-chief), The Maneater will continue publishing content online.

“It’s time to be honest — print no longer serves our readers,” she wrote, saying that the newspaper’s target audience of 18-24 year-olds primarily consumes news digitally.

According to the letter, the decision to cease printing was taken in the fall “under Becky Diehl’s guidance”, the coordinator of MU’s student media outlets.

March 2020 saw the MU student body vote to extend a financial help to the Maneater by passing a student fee that takes from tuition to support the outlet, as well its radio and TV stations counterparts.

This is an ongoing story that will be updated.