Prussner Printing Supports the Local Music, Restaurant and Food Industry with Merch

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Max Prussner. Photo by @chrismongeauphoto.

Someone once said, “Choose a job that you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” That’s how Max Prussner feels about music. While he was the lead singer of Max Prussner & the Terrible Things, he also found the job that would allow him to pursue his dream of a music career. He was the guitarist player and lead singer that got him his next gig as a screen printer operator. It all happened organically.

“I simply wanted to make my band’s merch,” he says. “I wanted to screen print my own LP sleeves and T-shirts.” Prussner got a job working with a local screen printing shop for a year and completed all the necessary training to learn how to do it himself. This was in 2008-2009. But then, Prussner got an opportunity to tour with his band. 

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The Challah sweatshirt is printed by Prussner Printing. It’s available at Oak Bakeshop. Victoria Costello @victakesashot.

“When I got signed, I left the area and toured with the band for two years,” he says. “I did no screen printing during that time, and then when that band broke up, I came home and went back to school to finish my art degree.”

Prussner was a student at college and pursued a degree as a fine artist. Jason Chase, his professor, noticed Prussner’s interests and suggested that he focus his studies on screen printing. “He offered me an opportunity to do what I wanted to do in his class as opposed to following the curriculum,” Prussner says. “I plugged screen printing in place of painting or working with pastels, and he facilitated that.”

Prussner moved to professional screen printing when he purchased a manual, four-station, six color printing press with micro registration. He keeps it in his basement in Rehoboth. Prussner printing Officially in business.

By using artwork from clients, he creates stencils. He exposes the stencil to the light and exposes the screen to the light. “The artwork is the blackest of black on a transparency that allows you to shoot the screen,” he says. “That solidifies the photo emulsion you’ve coated your screen with around the artwork. It keeps the areas of the stencil soft, so you can wash it out with water afterwards, which creates the stencil.”

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KIds T-shirts at Andrade’s Catch sport the “Clam Fam” design printed by Prussner Printing.

He started off printing merch for area bands, in addition to producing his own band’s T-shirts. Paul Kettelle, a bass player in his band, was then inspired to start printing merch for local bands. PVDonuts Lori Kettelle, his wife. Paul came up with the idea of creating merch to promote their quirky and viral doughnut shop. Before it opened, lines were running down the street. 

“Paul said, ‘Hey we’re going to need you to do this,’” Prussner says. People bought T-shirts featuring the PVDonuts brand name and blue-frosted, sprinkle-topped treats. Before that, it wasn’t as common to see people rocking business’s logos on T-shirts and other merch as part of their personal style, says Prussner.

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PVDonuts: T-shirt and onesie

After he had landed the PVDonuts account other businesses requested screen-printed T-shirts and sweatshirts with their logos and brands on them. The T-shirts and sweatshirts are wholesaled by Prussner, but the artwork must come from the client. Prussner can outsource work to two graphic artists if a company needs assistance with design. Jon CafarellaSometimes. Hallie Driscoll

“Jon’s been my go-to graphic designer for years,” he says. “If it’s as simple as I need artwork that’s sent to me formatted correctly, he does that, or if a client needs design work, I have sent them to him.” 

Prussner’s screen printing clients include Walrus and Carpenter Oysters, Pemaquid Mussel Farms, Andrade’s Catch, Rebelle Artisan Bagels, Little Sister, Chilangos, Tiny Bar, Oak Bakeshop, and the bar where also he bartends. Kimi’s Bar. He still prints for local indie bands. Ryland Bouchard.

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Tanks at Kimi’s Bar.

Kimi’s is supporting Prussner printing by stocking printed tank tops, T-shirts and koozies with the Kimi’s logo on them. Prussner makes his own merch and sells it on the spot. He also serves cocktails. He’s also gearing up to record again for an album. He can run his screen printing business on his own time and still devote his heart to his first love, music. 

Some weeks are busier then others. “I started booking printing jobs like a tattoo artist. I book clients month to month,” he says, adding that next month, he’ll be printing for Twenty Stories Bookstore Craft cocktails at the bar Glou. “This is a way for me to manage my time, so I can still do the things I want to do.” 

While he would love to work with more clients, he plans to support the local community. “I enjoy being a part of the Providence restaurant community,” he says, “and I would like to continue to grow within this community.”



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