Northwest Asian Weekly going online only, ceasing print operations

Seattle’s Asian newspapers are set to undergo major changes in 2023.

Northwest Asian Weekly will stop printing newspapers and move to an online-only model. Both online and print operations will cease at the Seattle Chinese Post. Jan. 21, 2023 is the last day for print editions of both the Weekly & the Post.

The Northwest Asian Weekly is an English-language weekly newspaper that focuses on Seattle’s Asian community. According to the newspaper, it will be moving to online publishing in order to “adapt to changing times.” According to the newspaper, the online version will be more frequent.

The Seattle Chinese Post is also published by the company. While The Weekly will continue to be published online, the Post will close all its operations in 2023 (print and digital).

Northwest Asian Weekly said that the Post was published more than 40 years before it started. It is the first Northwest Chinese newspaper since 1927. The Weekly was soon published as well. The complete statement can be viewed here Here.