Arkema’s Pierre Gonnetan: ‘Education remains a challenge for additive manufacturing adoption’

Education of the user base is still among additive manufacturing’s greatest challenges, according to Arkema Business Development Manager Pierre Gonnetan.

Talking about the latest Additive Insight podcastGonnetan said that to make the most of additive manufacturing, manufacturers still require support.

Gonnetan, who has worked with Arkema for four years, is a specialist in polymer materials. Joining in 2019, he initially worked in a role focusing on the development of new markets for ultra-performance polymers like PEKK, before moving to the company’s additive manufacturing team in early 2022.

“[Education], to me, is very important because additive manufacturing is a journey,” Gonnetan said on the TCT Additive Insight podcast. “It’s not only about let’s print a part, it’s about how to rethink the whole process, rethink the whole part, assess how it will be used, finding the right material, finding reliable partners to print. AM is a journey where if you want to get the full power of lightweight functionality, education is highly needed to be able to navigate the ecosystem.”

Since securing a role on Arkema’s additive manufacturing team around 18 months ago, Gonnetan has been working to address some of the points he raises – namely, helping users to identify the right material and finding reliable partners to manufacture parts. Arkema announced its additive manufacturing initiative earlier this year. Easy3D The digital platform allows users upload 3D printable files and input the component’s requirements. They then receive recommendations for materials. The platform can direct users to service bureaus which use machines compatible Arkema material.

Gonnetan believes that Arkema has made a significant contribution to the education challenge by combining its materials expertise in the Easy3D platform and providing users with a direct connection between reputable manufacturers.

“The partners we work with, we have worked with them for several years, with good feedback from the end users getting parts from them” Gonnetan said. “Certifications are available also like ISO standards for process management and so on. And I would add to that, that some of these integrated partners are even members of more global networks like the HP Digital Manufacturing Network and some of them are also members of EOS’ contract manufacturing network.”

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