3D Print Your Best Friend A Wheelchair

We are all aware that 3D printing is a great tool for people facing different challenges. Ford Motor Company Mexico is trying to help dogs with mobility issues. They’ve designed and released P-Raptor (we presume the P is for perro), a wheelchair for pooches with rear legs. The web page is in Spanish, and translating it didn’t seem to work for some reason, but if you have any Spanish, you can probably work it out, or cut and paste just the text into your favorite translator.

The design can be modified to fit different dogs, different problems and sizes. It has an electric motor built into the tires. Tires are over-sized to help your dog cover rough terrain. A s grill is included with lights for dogs who want to be cool.

The release says it will be available for free download “soon.” You’ll enter your pup’s dimensions and other information and download custom-sized parts for you to print. All3DP mentions that they contacted Ford and were told that the final version won’t be ready until 2024. You have plenty of time for your 3D printing to be ready.

Just because a puppy is born with no hind legs doesn’t mean he can’t be super cute. If you don’t mind a slightly more industrial look, we’ve seen other doggie wheelchairs before, too.